When should my child visit an optometrist?

toddler with crooked glasses

Get started with eye exams early in life

80% of learning is visual. This is why it is essential to have your children’s eyes examined regularly. It is recommended for your infant to have their first comprehensive eye exam at 6 months. At this exam, the Doctor will screen your child for health conditions that are found primarily in the eye. They will also ensure there is no prescription out of the normal range expected in infancy, and for the risk of your child developing amblyopia, better known as a “lazy eye”. Your child’s eye muscles will be assessed to ensure proper alignment of the eyes, and the health of the eyes from the front to the back will be screened. This may seem like an impossible task - but our Optometrists ensure this is an enjoyable and stress-free experience for all involved!

Continue to be proactive throughout childhood

At age two, a second exam is recommended, and then yearly thereafter. OHIP covers one full eye examination per year for Ontarians 19 and under, and any partial assessments required throughout the year. Here are some things that may require an additional visit to the Optometrist:

  • allergies

  • infection

  • injury

  • vision changes

  • difficulties in school

  • headaches

Your Optometrist is your primary eye care provider and is the most well-suited to address these issues. At this age, we rely on pictures, matching, and special techniques using lights to examine your child’s eyes.

As your child begins school, it is very important to have them assessed yearly. Many children are misdiagnosed as having learning disabilities when in fact they are struggling due to a deficit in their visual system. If you or a teacher has any concerns in regards to school, the Optometrist is a great place to start!


Goodbye Dry Eye!


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